Monday, November 2, 2009

2 Uber Cute Sites

Found 2 sites today and thought they were a must to share!

As if I needed any more inspiration to amp up my sewing attempts! The fabric at funkyfabrix is so gorgeous that I can barely restrain myself right now! Hahaha. Lucky my wallet is in a different room!

Blooming in Japan is lovely and I just love her creations. The fabrics she uses are great too, and she has inspired me to try a messenger bag after my handbag project is finished. Stay tuned for pictures! And go and check out the Blooming in Japan blog and store.

I have been collecting quite a few blogs of fabulosity so will have to share some others again soon!


flapjacs said...

Wow!! You should have told me I was getting a shout out here. THANK YOU!!

Tempest Ahoy said...

No worries! It IS a really cute site!