Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby wearing my shorts!

Dear Lord, I did it!

OMG. I actually managed to make baby shorts! OK, probably not a big deal for a lot of crafters. But I haven't sewn in years! And the bug has bit me bad recently, so I had to start again.

I've been keeping crafty with scrapping and embroidery, but this is my first sewing project in about 4 years. So I am starting from scratch really. Please know that a pair of shorts is about as fancy as I have ever sewed! So for me, a big deal!

Also, I did not use a pattern, I just based the cut around an existing pair of shorts.

These are a 'practice pair'; so I have used scrap material and did not bother to change thread colour. They turned out OK (obviously not perfect) so I will be making some more tomorrow. My seams were a bit wobbly and I had a slight issue with the crotch sitting right, but it's all good now!



This is a terrible photo, I know. But it is for my sister - a lovely person gave me these today and as my sister is the current family quilting nut, I will pass these kits on to her.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Great Free Halloween Decorations

Wowee, check these out! Great for anyone that is time poor, not crafty or just lazy!

HP Halloween Decorations

Pumpkin Pie Making

Photography by Jared Fowler on

I am making one of these babies for a Halloween shindig we are having on Saturday.

Yum Yum. You can find the delicious recipe here.


Whole family sick! Feeling woozy. No further blogging tonight.

Might make some fabric flowers if time and illness allows - as seen on WiseCraft. They look awesome. Thanks for an awesome tute. These could adorn almost anything; bags, necklaces, be worn as a brooch, added to quilts or other sewing projects...I like.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

So many sewing plans!

I haven't sewed in such a long time. But I have such a sewing bug at the moment! Everywhere I look on the net I see exciting ideas and some really easy patterns. I can't wait to get stuck into actually making some soon. When I have 5 minutes to myself. HA!

These are my plans so far:

Homesewn 'Ziploc' bags
And so many more

Hahahaha. So tired right now but links and pictures=tomorrow.

Charity: Water

The story of charity: water - The 2009 September Campaign Trailer from charity: water on Vimeo.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pin Up Pomp

Lovely! I will have to try it out. Thanks again to AngryChicken (can you tell I am reading her blog today?).

On the subject of fonts...

Handwriting practice for the little ones - just type in your phrase and create printouts for your special little guy/girl.

Find it at; thanks AngryChicken for the tip!

Create your own font

OMG OMG OMG. So doing it.